
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

36 weeks

Hi Vivi,

I realized this week that Daddy and I haven't posted a video of my belly in 6 weeks! Soooo, we'll try and make that happen here soon...

I'm thinking a lot about you today. I've been working on your nursery and it's coming close to completion (yay!), but it won't be FULLY completed until YOU are there. Sydney has been sleeping in your room when her Mommy and Daddy come over, so we have already hooked up your baby monitor downstairs so that we can hear you =) It works great!

Well, I have a doctor's appointment today (Daddy is coming too!) and we'll hear what the doctor has to say about where you are at as far as progress. I can tell that you are head down and your little botsi likes to roll around near my belly button these days making my belly get all weird shaped! It's super fun to watch you and not nearly as startling since you are getting so very big =) What has been an adjustment is the pressure I feel "below"...I'm hoping not to gross you out, so I'll just say, it's been something to get used to for sure! I no longer have to eat baby meals (because a certain baby would make sure to kick my stomach when I ate a large one!), and deep breaths are so very, very lovely these days too.

It's a MISERABLE 90+ degrees outside everyday (plus that awesome GA humidity). I admit that the heat is making it hard for me to want to venture anywhere but indoors or the pool---- ah's okay, about the time I may adjust is probably when you will show up ;) Mommy's friend Holly is having her little boy, John Peter, any day now and she lives in Alabama! I feel blessed to be missing out on THAT heat...but she's so lucky that the end is near! Vivi, I'm ready to see you already! I feel like I KNOW I just want to see your sweet face.

Daddy and I finished our birthing classes last week. Now I just need to pack a bag for the hospital! =) I have a little list, so I'll get that going here soon. Oh! And the church we are attending- FourPoints- is throwing us a baby shower August 20th! What a sweet blessing that will be since we still really haven't received all the things we need for you.

Daddy and I are already praying that we'll be great parents to you...great parents who need a date night- haha! Mommy is secretly hoping that the Lord provides a great breast pump so that Mommy and Daddy can look forward to being alone at least one night a week and Grandma or Aunt Sal can nurse you and put you to sleep...but we'll see =)

You've been sleeping in my belly for a couple of hours, so I expect you'll wake up soon and start your little rollin' around routine...I love to pat your botsi and imagine that I am actually getting to hold you. That, OR, the crazy amounts of hiccups you have these days! You must be really liking whatever you're tasting/breathing in there...this week you have had baby hiccups 7 times that I can count, maybe even a few more. At LEAST twice a day these days!

Okay Vivi, I need to get a few things done before Daddy gets home from work and we have to go to the doctor...but at least I'll get to hear your heartbeat. I can't wait to hear your laugh one day.

I love you,

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